Glendale United Methodist Church
Healing Prayers
The COVID-19 Pandemic has upended all of our lives but even in the midsts of turmoil and chaos, there is always a word of comfort. Please click on the link for prayers that have been provided by the Church-at-Large
Pastor Dave Leaving Announcement
Pastor Dave has recently been appointed to serve as pastor of First Church UMC in Winthrop starting July 1, 2022. Please click on the button for the pastor's letter and for more information on how this impacts Glendale. Thanks.
The Hook Pipe Organ
You are always welcomed at Glendale. You might be planning to visit soon and here is one treat that hopefully might make you schedule your visit sooner - our pipe organ. Here is a sample from a recent tuning, courtesy of Pelland Pipe Organ Co. Enjoy!
Healing Service Video
This is a video that we used at a recent worship service on healing. During this pandemic, this just might help to comfort you. Just click on the black box to the left . By the way, the music is from the "Joyful Noise" soundtrack; Queen Latifah is singing. You can get a copy from iTunes for $1.29 - such a deal. Peace and blessings.