Glendale United Methodist Church
Morning Worship:
10:30 AM
(In-person and on Zoom)
Follow-up Vote Regarding BSA Bankruptcy Protection
We have a follow-up Leadership Team meeting after church on Sunday, December 19, 2021 to vote on the Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Plan based on how it impacts the United Methodist Church. Our recent special charge conference (November 30, 2021) voted to authorize the Leadership Team to move forward with a vote on behalf of the Congregation. The Zoom session, used for worship will also be active for those Leadership Team members who are worshiping remotely.
GoFundMe Drive for Bob Meara
A Go Fund Me Drive has been recently established to raise funds to help Bob Meara, who is Kerri (Wallace) Bonarrigo’s boyfriend. This drive, which was created on September 8, 2020 by Bob’s sister, Julie St Germain has a goal to raise $40,000 to help with his long-term physical therapy. Click on the house icon to connect to the GoFundMe page for more information and to make a donation. Also, please keep Bob and Kerri in your prayers.
In Memoriam
Paul Burkart, a long-time member of Glendale recently transitioned from this life to the Life Eternal. Paul was living in an assisted living facility in Falmouth at the time of his passing. Please keep the Burkart family in prayer. His obituary can be viewed by clicking on the button.
In Memoriam
George Pinksten recently entered into God's heavenly kingdom. He was a long-time member and a true example of what it means to be a husband, father, sibling, and a Christian. Please keep his beloved wife, Gladys and the Pinksten family in prayer. A copy of his home-going service which includes his obituary can be viewed by clicking on the button